Today was the first day in 20 years that WSU declared it a snow day. Woo Hoo! I just heard on the news that school is canceled tomorrow also. Greg is dancing in the kitchen where he had been working on his homework (which was supposed to be due tomorrow). I could hear kids (well, college students) outside all day long playing and having a good time. Every once in awhile I'd hear the strange sound of car tires spinning themselves deeper into the snow.
The weatherman said we've had 63 inches of snow so far...But we usually get 43 inches during an entire winter! We're watching KREM 2 news, and they are sponsoring the "KREM 2 BIG DIG." If you see somebody digging their neighbor's car out or helping in some way you can nominate them to be a "KREM 2 BIG DIG HERO." Hahahah! What a title! Their first HERO today was an orthopedic surgeon who walked 5 miles to get to work today.