I cut little chinks in the wood so they'd fit together like lincoln logs.
I couldn't pound the stakes down enough to stand up by themselves, so I decided to make these cross things and nail them to the bottom.
I was hoping this would help them withstand all the crazy wind we get around here.
This is our strange garden area and the stakes I made. I think the fire hydrant gives it a nice touch. Oh, and the little sign that warns not to dig because of water lines, and that green box that has warning signs that you'll get shocked if you open it. We brought in a lot of dirt to fill it up. It was pretty much gravel with a little grass and weeds growing when we got here.
I dug up dirt out of the hillside and used the wheel barrow to bring it down to the garden area. Then as a side project, I got a box of wild flower seeds and sprinkled them all around. It will be really pretty if they all grow!
Then we got a couple truckloads of compost from the nursery to mix in it. (The regular dirt here is basically hard packed clay.) We also got some gypsom and mixed everything up really good. It was a lot of work just go get all the soil ready and smoothed out, and to make the little borders to keep it in place.
I got some of the plants in the garden. The tomatoes are there with the trellis, and next to them you can see a little rock border around the onions. They are the white globe onions. Then down to the right is a bunch of carrots, and more to the right and up in the square box area is about 13 bell pepper plants. We're going to eat lots of fajitas this summer! Those and all the tomatoes will go into our homemade salsa too. Yum!
I'll put up a couple more pictures when I finish getting all the plants in.
Wow Holly, look at you! Thats great! So do you live in a house? Where is your garden located compared to where you live? I can't wait to have some grass and dirt of my own to plant a garden!
That looks like a nice little garden area, Holly. You've got the soil well prepared and it seems like you should have a pretty good crop. It's amazing how much food can be grown in a small area. This is quite a learning experience! Lots of work but also a fun project that will be very rewarding as you harvest all that good stuff! ♥
I am so impressed. Very nice work.
Like Carrissa, I am curious...is this right outside your house? This is a LOT of work! I am impressed for sure. I wish I could take part in some of these tomato feasts once they are all grown! Nothing is better than fresh garden tomatos.
Yeah--since everybody's asking...these pictures looking down on the garden area are taken from the living room window. Our apartment is upstairs, and the office and garage and other storage units are under the apartment.
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