I planted a bunch of flowers here. I know, it's kind of late to be planting new flowers, but they popped up just two days after I planted them! I'm hoping they will keep growing fast like that and give me some pretty blooms before winter comes.
This is downstairs now. You can see that the squash vines have found their way out of the garden. That's good though. I knew there wouldn't be enough room in the garden, so I planted them all in a way they that they could grow and spill over the edge....then they can grow as much as they want through the gravel and other stuff.
I don't know what everything is here. Well, I have a list of what I planted, but I lost track of where it all got planted. I'm waiting for everything to show it's fruit so I can figure it out. ("By their fruits ye shall know them") I'm also working by process of elimination. I know what some of it is now.
This of course is the yellow crooked neck squash:
This is a cucumber coming along--they grow fast!
This is zucchini:
And then I don't know what this is. I keep waiting and checking to see if the fruit has developed anymore so I can figure out what it is.
This is all supposed to be cantaloupe or honey dew melon...but it appears I made a mistake and put some kind of squash plant in with the melons. (They all look so similar when the plants are young!)
Something weird has happened though. I planted a bunch of garlic and it never grew. It was weird because the garlic had actually started sprouting before I planted it, so I thought I'd see the little green tops coming out of the soil in a few days. It's been a few months, so I decided to dig it up and see what's going on. What I found was a few roots here and there, and no garlic! The part I planted is gone! I dug up over half of the area where I planted garlic and there's nothing there! I don't know what happened, but if you've ever heard of this or know what happened feel free to tell me. Maybe those crazy ants ate it, I don't know.
When the world starts coming to an end, and grocery stores no longer can stay in business, I am high tailing it to your place cause you are so PRO. Seriously, it all looks amazing and you know SO much! I would starve if I didn't have grocery stores...you on the other hand would be just fine! All you have to learn how to do is raise a cow and milk it for a drink! :)
Your garden is amazing! David and Maggie came over for dinner and we put yellow crookneck and zuchini circles on kabobs-alternating so they looked pretty. Pat threw them on the BBQ before the meat. brushed with olive oil, garlic & onion pwdr and seasoning salt. it was really good. I think David and Pat even ate some. Enjoy your good eats!
Just when I think I can't be more amazed by you!! I am with Ali:)
You are quite the awesome gardener little lady!
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