It froze hard last night, so I harvested all the food from the garden. There are a few carrots in the ground still, but for the most part the garden is done for the year.
It's kind of too bad that it froze so soon. There were lots of small fruit that could have grown a little more and been used. These are all damaged from the freeze and not good for eating.
I feel like taking a moment of silence in memory of the garden I have so dearly loved.
I wasn't ready to let all the tomatoes die, so we covered them with a big tarp and stuck a heater in there. (They are on the deck so I knew it would be unbearably cold for them.) When it was 28 degrees last night our tomatoes were happy and warm in their 48 degree little home. (Sorry the picture is dark. I didn't think to take a picture during the day when it was sunny.)
Holly, I'm in the moment of silence with you. That was a lot of work to harvest all that. Happy eating!
Lovely pumpkins and squash. That small garden spot produced ALOT of food. That's really impressive. When I was little my parents had a huge garden and Mom canned hundreds of quarts of vegetables. Really amazing. We were very poor but we always had lots of good food, thanks mostly to my mother's diligence and hard work. I'll always remember carrying the salt shaker out to the garden and eating a tomato right then and there. I was only about five years old but I loved vegetables from our garden.
Did I mention your post title is a real crack-up? Funny, funny. You're the proud parents of lots of little (and big) squash kadidles. : )
Wow Holly, that harvest is impressive and it's so fun to hear how much you enjoy it all.
That is so cool you grew those pumpkins and squashes. I admire your green thumb! Good job! I like your post title. I was a little confused for a second when I saw the pictures. Cute cute.
hahah all the kids. you're such a goofball!
This year I was glad when it froze. Then I couldn't feel guilty for not wanting to work int he garden. it just frees up more time to work on our house!
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