Greg's uncle Bob picked us up from the airport and took us back to his Grandma's house. We visited Grandma and Chrissy for about two hours, and then borrowed Bob's car to go to Huntington Beach where we met up with Uncle Tim. Greg was so excited to be at the beach. It was cloudy and getting late, but we still wanted to go play in the water a little. We played the game of chasing the wave and then running back up when it comes to get you, because we were trying to keep our clothes dry. Greg's shorts got a little wet on the edges, and then more wet, and then finally he just dove straight in to the next big wave that came! Luckily there are outdoor showers at that beach, so we were able to wash most of the sand and saltwater off before getting back into a car.
On the way to Tim's house we stopped and he treated us to some delicious hot chocolate at Starbucks. The best thing is to add hazelnut flavoring to your hot chocolate, and Greg likes adding caramel. We spent the night at Tim's house, and then we went to church with him in the morning. He teaches the Sunday school class at his church, so it was kind of fun to be in his class and see him teach.
He also made a wonderful Belgian waffle breakfast for us before church. After church we went out to lunch and had a really nice visit. I had only met Tim once about two years ago, so I was glad to spend a little more time with him and his family. His kids are close to my age, so we all got along very well.
On a side note, as Greg and I were sitting in the car in the parking lot, I noticed a dark cloud of something flying by. It looked like small leaves blowing in the wind, but there were a LOT of them, and they appeared to be flapping. As the cloud got closer we realized it was some kind of bug! I wasn't able to tell exactly what it was, and I was glad actually that they didn't come close enough for detail. The cloud kept moving on, and pretty soon it was a dark black mass on the other side of the parking lot. How strange! Any ideas of what those bugs might have been? There were probably thousands in that big swarm that passed by. Yuck!
After lunch we parted, and Greg and I headed to Aunt Patty's house. We played games and had a good visit there, and then we all went back to Grandma's house. Uncle Dan and his little family came too, so we had quite the party!
(Greg and I each found a friend to play with. Uncle Dan's kids are pretty cute. Lizzy and I became friends and Sean and Greg had fun building and playing together too.)
After dinner, a few of them worked together and made peach pie and peach crisp using the peaches from Grandma's tree in the yard.
We played cards until the peach desserts were done smelled so good! I couldn't wait to sink my teeth into the peach crisp, and it was as good as it smelled! Yum!
Here's a few pictures from Grandma's yard. Greg always says he thinks of his Grandma when he sees or smells roses. Maybe you can guess why....
There are also lots of citrus trees around: Tangerines, very LARGE lemons, grapefruit, as well as peach and I think nectarine? I could be wrong about that one.
I agree with Greg, Roses mean Grandma Joanne. The roses up by the house I planted when Greg was just a wee one :) When I was growing up in that house, there was a huge rose garden in the back yard. I'm glad she got to plant so many in the front when the backyard was redone! I'm glad you two had such a great trip!
Those pictures all look so nice. I love the grounds with the roses. So pretty. How different to have citrus trees growing everywhere, too. Makes for a colorful yard. Looks like you had such a nice time, Holly. : )
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