Tuesday, April 12, 2011


She looks like a little doll! So Cute!

I don't really have time to do a whole post about visiting Summer and family in La Grande right now, but I'm tired of seeing that post about the disgusting okra on my blog. haha.

I thought I would put this cute picture of Gretchen up so we can all have something cute to look at instead. =) I loved visiting and seeing Summer's kids again over the weekend. I'm surprised every time at how much they have all changed since the last time we were there. Ginger keeps looking more and more like a little young lady, and she has lots of funny stories to tell and songs to sing. Jack is no longer a toddler, but looks more like a little boy. He's talking a lot and is fun to tickle and chase! I can just point at his tickle spot and he giggles and runs away. hahaha! And little Gretchen isn't a tiny baby anymore! She's cute and playful. She can crawl pretty fast, and likes to interact, talk, and play. I could have sat and played with her for the whole visit.

Greg had fun playing with the kids too.

I miss them already, and we've only been home a couple days.


Granma Faye said...

Yep, me too. I miss 'em. Of course, I miss all of you! If I had my way we'd all live within an hour or less of each other. The kadidles are growing up fast and I'm missin' out! That was a fun visit. I'm glad we could celebrate your birthday, Holly. By way of explanation: that green thing on Greg's hand is a silicon oven mit that looks like a frog head. Jack was scared of it when Greg used it as a puppet. It was one of Holly's kitchen store BD presents from Summer. That scene was too funny! : ) Love that picture of Gretchen! Thanks for putting that up to take the place of okra. Yay!

Wendy Jean said...

Wish I could have been there with my family. Someday we'll all get together with all the cousins and aunts and uncles....at least before Max leaves for his mission. :)

Wendy Jean said...

oh - and I like your purple background. So pretty! And the little "Be clean..." gadget is cool!

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! Gretchen definitely looks a whole lot better than okra! That week down there was hard to leave. I just wanted to call work and say, "Nice knowin' ya!"