Saturday, December 20, 2008


As you may know, it's been snowing a lot in Pullman lately.

The snow is halfway up to my knees. I can tell you this because today I jumped out there in my socks. I know, yuck. I had to though. I saw this truck that had just visited their storage unit slow down and stop in the driveway. I was thinking, "Oh no, are they stuck in the snow?" But no. I watched in disbelief as this slob pulled a big box out of the back of the truck and tossed it on the ground. And that's when I jumped out on the deck to yell at them, but they were too fast and drove away. So I changed my socks, and then ran outside (with shoes on this time) and followed their snow tracks to the only unit with tons of footprints in front of it. Then I went to the office and called the person. The guy said that he had just sent a couple friends to his unit for him, so I said, "Oh. I just watched your friend throw a box on the ground and leave it on my property. You can come back and pick it up or I can charge you $50 to pick it up for you." Ha! He said, "Oh, they will be right back to pick it up!" Then I watched smugly from my window as they drove back up, grudgingly got out of the truck and put the box back in the truck and drove away. They won't be littering on my watch! It's funny because they had no idea that I was watching them toss that box, and they probably don't know how I knew which unit to call. I didn't explain about following the tracks of course.
That was very satisfying.
The End.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Friday, December 12, 2008


Yes, it's that time of year again, and we haven't got our snow tires on yet. (It just started snowing about an hour ago.) Greg will put them on tomorrow morning. He's at school right studying. It really is pretty when I'm in my warm home baking cookies or bread, but it's nasty and cold and wet if you're out in it. I have a mixture of excitement and dread as I remember last year's snow and what a pain it was. It's only fun when you can stay home and play, and just go out because you want to. I'm glad at least that I don't have to go drive to my job. This is when it's nice to work at this storage place, and the people come to me.

Well I hope everybody's enjoying the beauty outside and being safe! Happy Snow!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tile Picture!

Hello! I just finished my tile picture. I was kind of nervous about doing it by myself, but I looked back at Summer's blog when she explained how to do it and that helped a lot. I just put the frame on and now I just have to wait! I was glad to do my own tonight--I will be helping my friend make two of her own in a couple days so I wanted to really know what I'm doing.

I painted the cracks between "tiles" the same color brown as the frame so it all ties together and looks really good! It doesn't really look like it in these pictures, but the brown is also very close to the color of her dress. I'm excited for it to cure so I can hang it on the wall!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I just thought it was funny

The white board at the Institute building was covered with various Christmas-time drawings, so Greg added his own.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I'm working on my curtains again. When I was visiting with Mom, she gave some ideas of how to sew them and I felt motivated again to work on them. I just finished one panel. There will be two panels on each window. I think this looks way better than the bath towel we had there before. Ha!

The open position:

The closed position: (And pretend the second panel is there on the other side)