Saturday, July 31, 2010

California Trip (Day 5)

This is the day you've all been waiting for! Disney Land!

Greg's uncle works at Disney Land, so he was able to sign us in (we got in for free) for the day. We got up early so we could be there right when they opened. Several of Greg's relatives do or have worked at Disney Land at some point, (including Greg) so we were able to plan ahead for fun things to do there. I was telling my Mom on the phone, "They all gave input as to what rides would be fun for somebody who doesn't like rides." Haha. I don't like roller coasters or crazy rides that are designed to make you scared or sick...I really can't understand why that would be fun. So we did a lot of things like the Snow White ride or went to see shows. I really enjoyed the one-on-one time with Greg. We went with just the two of us, so it was like a date.

Another thing I enjoyed was the canoe ride. We all had to paddle and that was fun. We followed the big boat in that picture, and our guide was funny. Greg had fun bantering with her and making jokes.

This is a classic "Greg Picture."

We went to Toon Town for a little bit to say we went.

I went up to the door and knocked on it. A minute later Goofy came out of the door and walked past me. He didn't even stop to say hi. So I knocked on the door again to see if another character would come out, but nobody did. I think I just happened to knock at the time he was coming out anyway.

I took this picture because I thought it looked so funny. Greg was just looking up into that big tube. We hadn't seen it do anything, but the ground under the tube was wet with puddles, so it seemed like a bad idea to stand under it like that. Hahaha!

Later we saw that a heavy mist sprays down from the tube--instead of a rushing Greg would have been ok.

We waited in the middle of the day for the parade to come. I was really excited because I remembered it as an awesome and magical thing when I saw it as a kid. There were huge fake animals and people on really tall stilts...I think it was the Lion King Parade that we saw. So we waited for about 40 minutes in the hot sun so we could get a good place on the sidewalk to see the parade. Crowds were gathering and they'd announce the parade every 15 minutes or so--let us know that it's coming. Finally the big moment came! The parade started down the street and then stopped. College age kids were dancing around in the street with disney characters and trying to get us to dance too. It was kind of fun to watch the "Street Party" but I kept waiting for the actual parade to come. They kept singing and shouting, "We're celebrating YOU!" And then it was over.

I have to say, that was pretty disappointing. If I knew the amazing Disney Land Parade had been warped into a "Street Party" to celebrate me, I wouldn't have gone. It might be cool if you're a little kid...

After the parade we were so hot and tired. We decided to go back to the Golden Horseshoe for ice cream and their little show. We got a big cup of ice cream and shared it. It was so wonderful to eat cold refreshing ice cream after drenching our clothes in sweat in the hot sun.

At lunch time we went to The Hungry Bear Cafe where Greg worked in his teenage years. It was fun to imagine him as a teenager running food and working behind the counter. We found this nice walkway to sit and rest. It was away from the noise and crowds of people. Then I saw a cat. It looked like a weird freaky cat from a scary movie, and it was kind of fun to watch. There were three cats in the area that we watched for awhile before we moved on. Greg said they used to have a problem with mice in the park because of all the food and garbage, so they brought a bunch of cats in to catch the mice. Now there are lots of feral cats running around Disney Land and no more mice problems!

Guess who I ran into! The sax guy from the Art Festival! I heard them announce that he also worked for Disney Land, so I was kind of keeping an eye out for him. I saw him playing with the band and he remembered me, so we got a picture!

(Look familiar?)

At the end of the night we saw a few shows that were really neat. While we were waiting for World of Color, they had some characters come out to entertain us and lead us in a singing contest.

World of Color is the most amazing show. I stood open-mouthed the entire time. That show is new this year, so if you haven't seen it, you should plan to next time you're in Disney Land! You have to go first thing to get the fast pass in the morning. You go find the line (Yes, there was a 30 minute line and we were running into the park right when it opened!). The line was in the California Adventure park, which opens a little later than the Disney Land park. The fast pass gives you a chance to see the show, but even with that we were in the back of the crowd. It would have been awesome if I had a big bucket to stand on because it's hard to see over everybody's heads and cameras and kids-on-shoulders.

That's some artwork of what the show looks like. It's made up of water fountains that shoot water straight up or spray around. The water can appear to be different colors (lights shine from below to light up the water). They also had tons of lasers shooting through the water, as well as projectors that put images on the water. The other awesome feature of the show was great bursts of fire that appeared to come out of the water. We were standing pretty far away from it all, but the fire felt hot on my face!
We watched something like a movie on the water. It was just so amazing. They did a scene from Pocahontas that showed her canoeing on the water and going over a waterfall. It's so neat how they used the real water and other things to make that scene look so real! And of course there was music playing for the whole show.

After that show, we ran back to the Disney Land park to catch the Fantasmic show. There were so many people! We were pushing against a huge never-ending crowd of people who were trying to get out of the park, and then when we got close enough to see the other crowds that had gathered for the Fantasmic show, we decided to give up and take advantage of the rides instead. We went on the Pirates ride twice in a row without waiting in line. Greg thought the ride would spit us out at a good place, and when we got off the Pirates of the Caribbean ride we realized that we did get a perfect view of the Fantasmic show! We had only missed about 15 minutes, so we still got to see Captain Hook and Peter Pan sword fighting at the top of the big sail boat, and all the Princesses sailed by on the other boat. The evil lady from Snow White appeared on the island and made her brew that turned her into an ugly hag. Later we saw the evil lady from Sleeping Beauty, and she turned into the big fire breathing dragon. That was very cool.

After that show, we went to the Tiki Room and played around in the kid part of the park. The Peter Pan ride had a huge line, and so did Splash Mountain, so we skipped those. We caught the last train ride out of the park at about 12:30am. We got home around 1:45am and collapsed on our bed. We slept very well that night.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


....................................THEY GREW!!!..............................

California Trip (Day 4 )

(I hope my long posts aren't boring for you. Mostly I'm using my blog as a journal for myself.)

We had planned to go to Disney Land on Tuesday, but we got home so late from the Art Festival that we decided to have Tuesday be a slow day to relax a little, and then go to Disney Land on Wednesday instead.

We had a lazy morning, and then for lunch we got Subway sandwiches for a picnic at the park with Grandma and Chrissy. It was a perfect day with beautiful weather and a breeze to keep us cool. We had our sandwiches and shared stories at a picnic table under some trees. Grandma told us about when she trained to be a lifeguard, and I talked about some things things I learned in school. I'm glad we could take time to just visit and enjoy each other's company.

In the evening, Greg went with Dan's family to play laser tag and get pizza for dinner. They had a fun time, and I'm sure Dan's kids slept well that night. I had planned to go too, but I was feeling a need for some quiet time to recharge. I'm not used to having so many events and things in such a short time. I was glad too that I stayed home because I was able to get a picture of Chrissy in her Karate clothes. She went to a Karate lesson that night and was pretty excited about it when they got home.

Monday, July 26, 2010

California Trip (Day 3)

On Monday Greg and I went out for breakfast at a place called Panera Bread. We shared a cinnamon roll and some other breakfasty things that were pretty good. (Side note: Cinnamon Roll for breakfast = Holly very happy.)

Greg's Grandma had gotten tickets to the Laguna Beach Art Festival, so we all went together with Grandma, Chrissy, Bob, Dan and his little family.

It was fun to wander around and see all the different paintings and sometimes odd forms of art. Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures of the art, so I'm not able to show you anything. One that caught our attention was the garbage cans...Yes, garbage cans that were bashed in with a large hole cut in the front, hanging on the wall. There were 3, so maybe that's symbolic or something. There was also a pitchfork stuck in each garbage can. I forgot to look at how much the artist was selling it for, but everything there was in the range of thousands of dollars. Yikes! There really were some beautiful things that I enjoyed looking at though. I especially loved the paintings of the ocean and beach, and other scenes of nature.

After looking at all the art we came upon a table of art supplies that was open for everybody to use. We all had fun painting and drawing with water color pencils.

There was also a live jazz band performing in the center of the festival. They were fun to listen to. It's not very often that you get to enjoy the music of a live band. There were various singers who joined the band for certain songs like the Chatenuga Train.

There was also a saxophone guy. He had a collection of rare and unusual saxophones. (I'm sitting in front of the case for the 6 1/2 foot sax.)

The first one was designed to sound like a french horn. It was made in 1928. The story goes that too many kids at school wanted to play the saxophone, so they made a saxophone that sounded like a french horn and you could then play the french horn part for the band. It never caught on though, and they stopped production in 1929. It was so bad that the guys in the factory would toss the instruments out the window of the 3rd floor and let the repair guys on the first floor gather them up. They would practice repairing those dented or broken saxophones because there was nothing better to do. There are only about two dozen left in existence. I thought it sounded beautiful when he played though. It was a really smooth nice sound with a shadow of a saxophone tone mixed with the french horn sound.

The next one he played was a slider. It had a slider part on it like a trombone, and he used it to play the notes instead of buttons. He could slide the sound up or down and make the notes slur. That was interesting.

The third saxophone I think was the most impressive. It was HUGE! He came out carrying it up high on his shoulder so he could tip toe through the band up to the front. It is 6 1/2 feet tall! They only made 9 of these total. The sound is so big and deep, it sounds really cool. He had to set it up on a stool and then stand on his toes to reach the mouth piece.

The last saxophone I got to see was this cute little tiny one. It was only about a foot tall. We were leaving at the time he was taking it out of the case, so he let me hold it and took my picture for me. Unfortunately I wasn't able to hear it, so it will always be a mystery about how it sounded. He told me it was very high pitched--higher than a normal soprano sax.

After the Art Festival we all headed down to the beach. It was nice to go see the water and run around in the sand with Greg and the kids.

Greg thought it would be funny to tease the seagulls with a pretzel, so he held it up high and then would pull it away before the birds could get it. (It gave me a flashback from Seattle and the birds at Ivar's. Greg teased those birds for about a half hour, and some how he didn't get pooped on!) Again, magically, Greg did not get pooped on or pecked at, but we were all running for cover! Hahhaha!

We had dinner at a little restaurant on the water and then headed back home. It was fun hanging out with Greg's family and playing with Dan and Becky's kids. Lizzy especially enjoyed getting an extra long piggy-back ride for most of the way back up to the cars. She's a cute girl and I enjoyed her company that day.

Thanks Grandma for the fun day and getting our tickets to the Art Festival!