Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good News!

My good news is that I just cleaned the bathroom, and I will NEVER again clean this bathtub again! Yipee! It has had a crack in the bottom that is annoying and leaks water. While I'm gone at Girl's Camp the guys will come in and fix up our bathroom with new flooring and a new bathtub/shower. Isn't it great? Just in time for us to move out. (Well, we will get to enjoy the new bathroom stuff for about a month before we move on to a new place...that will probably have a crappy old bathtub. Hahaha!)

1 comment:

Granma Faye said...

Yay, for a NEW tub! The old one gave me a complex. I just kept thinking about the water leaking through the crack and getting into who knows where, rotting out the wood. Someday you'll own your own home...and then you'll get to have good stuff...and you get to fix it, too! Grrr...I keep looking for a maintenance-free home and yard. Um...would that be a mansion in heaven?