Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's a little late, but here's our St. Patrick's Day fun.

First, I had a little get-together at my house with some lady friends. I didn't have the camera to get pictures (Greg took it camping), but here's a picture of what he left for me. The flowers are primrose.

At the party we frosted sugar cookies and played games. I was glad I finally set a date and invited friends over. I've been wanting to for a long time and always talk myself out of it for whatever reason. It was really nice to have Maggie (my sister-in-law) over for the few days before the party too. It gets forgotten sometimes, but girl-time is very important. And of course, it was more fun having her here to help decorate and get ready for the party than being by myself. Greg and his brother went camping for the last half of that week, so we both would have been home alone if she hadn't come here.

The other fun thing we did this month was our ward's family dance at church. The Young Women were in charge of this activity, so they voted Greg to be the DJ again, and they decorated and advertised for the dance. Do you like my poster? I don't want to throw it away now--the bright colors are so pretty. =)

We had fun at the dance, although I wish more people came. I think next year we should invite all 3 wards in Pullman so there's more people, and then they won't be afraid to dance. The kids had fun though. The little kids were the best dancers there.

Do you like Greg's hat?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Libera me, Faure Requiem

This last weekend I sang in three choir concerts, and the main event for the choir was the Faure Requiem. It lasts about 40-45 minutes, and by the end my feet were numb. Anyway, I was on youtube looking for a good video to share since it will be at least a month until I get the CD recording to send to my family. I just planned to share my favorite part of the song, but I got distracted by the director in this video. I'm not usually one to criticize other musicians, but I think she is have a seizure. haha. (If you don't want to watch both videos, just skip to the good one below.)

The comments below the video made me laugh too.

"It's great to see a female conductor. I can't think of many, apart from Jane Glover, so this is very refreshing."

"It's good to see female conductors but it's certainly not good to see anyone conducting like this! I don't understand any of her gestures! Do you know what an orchestra player does when someone is conducting like this? He ignores the conductor!!"

Anyway, I really do like this movement. You're supposed to hear the orchestra and imagine a heart beat while the soloist is pleading for God to "Libera me"--save his soul from hell on the day of reckoning when God comes to judge, and when heaven and earth are moved.

Singing in this choir has given me a new way of looking at music. I've really gotten into what we sing and it feels more like we're part of a musical that tells a story than just singing pretty songs in a choir concert. I'm glad to have these neat experiences.

Here's a really good version of the movement.