Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's been awhile...

It's been awhile since I posted on my blog because I kept thinking I was going to get a job, and I wanted to wait so I could announce my new job! But, I still haven't gotten a job. I've had a number of great interviews, but there's always somebody out there who is a little more impressive than me, or who is happy and excited to work the night shift when I'd prefer to work during the day...

Anyway, besides the job thing, my other news is that we moved! Hooray! We found a 3-bedroom house to rent that costs just a little bit more than our tiny lame apartment. I've been working in the kitchen for the past few days, unpacking and organizing. It's fun this time around because there is actually enough room for all of my kitchen things! Hooray! My pots and pans fit nicely in the over-large drawers. They don't have to be stacked and hidden in the bottom of a hard-to-reach cupboard. We have lots of space in the rest of the house as well, so we are looking forward to inviting friends over for dinner and games, and inviting family to come stay in our extra bedrooms.

This is a good change. We used to invite people over to eat dinner with us at THEIR house. haha. Recently Greg left this message on my friend's phone: "Hi! This is Greg Kelley! I have an urgent invitation for us to hang out with you at your house! Please call me back to find out the details!" If you know Greg, you know that he's about the only person who could get away with that. haha.

Well, I don't have any real pictures to share because I don't know where the camera is at the moment, but I might get some pictures later with Greg's phone. Because blog posts without pictures are boring, here is a picture that sort of looks like my house.

That is the neighbor's cat that always comes around and tries to sneak into our garage...


Kami said...

Maybe that cat knows about some mice that like to frequent the garage. I'd let the cat into the garage now and then to nose around and keep the mice away. :) Just not in the house.

Granma Faye said...

Ah hahahaha...that's a great picture, Holly! Funny! Kami has a good thought...maybe that cat knows something you don't. He's a good anti-rodent device. : ) I've been thinking of you, knowing you're busy with moving and unpacking. It's kinda fun to get organized in a new place, especially when there's room to get set up just the way you want. Maybe it's good you're not working so you can get settled and not be stressed.

Granma Faye said...

P.S. Yeah, you're right. Only Greg could get away with an invite-self- over invitation. hahahaha Gotta love 'im, right? : ) ♥

Anonymous said...

Nice to hear from you after a whole week of silence. I was visualizing you in the moving mess. Been there a FEW times! I like your pictures.

You can invite us over to our house any time!

Annaliese said...

Yay for moving into a better place! Sometimes the move IS worth all the hassle:)

Ali said...

Congrats on the move! It's always nice to upgrade some:) Though, when we moved, we definitely down-graded when it came to our kitchen. I MISS my over-sized drawers! I'm with you- they were SO nice to have for pots and pans. Now I'm back to stacks and stacks in deep cupboards. Bah-humbug. Enjoy those drawers!! :)
I hope something perfect pops up job-wise where you thank your lucky stars you didn't get those other jobs you had applied for cause the one you get you just love. That happened to me in Utah and it took a while to find a fit, but once I did- I KNEW I was where I was supposed to be. Good luck!

Kaela said...

I love your drawn picture!! Congrats on the upgrade:) And good luck on the continued job hunt! No fun!!