Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm playing catch up with Thanksgiving pictures.  I'll try to get some up from Christmas soon.

We hosted Thanksgiving at our house for the first time.  It was fun to have so much family visiting at our house.  Most of them came from the other side of the state and we don't get to see them much.  

I thought this was a cute picture of Greg's sister, Teri, and her husband, Jason.  I'm making the face I often make when I eat...the face of trying to get something unstuck from my braces.  Can't wait to get them off!

Greg was excited about the turkey.  His parents bought it from the farm they often visit, so it grew up like a normal turkey, eating normal turkey food, and it was fresh.  Yum!

That's Michael and his girlfriend Leslie.  He owns a CrossFit gym and she works as an RN at Children's Hospital in Seattle.  It was fun to have them along.  I'm liking the way things are turning out with the girls Greg's brothers are dating.  It's nice to have our numbers evened out a little, and I'm glad we all get along so well.  I'd love to have all of them for sisters!

Lory, my mother-in-law, and my mom.  Isn't it great that I like my in-laws as much as my own family?

That's Maggie in the background.  She's marrying David this summer.  They live in Spokane and are lots of fun to meet up with after a temple trip.  Maggie had Dad mesmerized with her stories of how she met David and when they decided to start dating.  She's fun to listen to and watch while telling stories because she is so animated and expressive.  I think she should be a professional storyteller.

Does this look familiar?  I keep finding pictures of Greg with a wooden spoon over his ear like that.
What a silly guy.



Greg and his mom worked on the turkey together.  It was good bonding time I think.

Can't wait for you to come back and visit again!


Granma Faye said...

That was such a fun time, Holly. It was nice to be with everyone. We certainly filled up your nice new table...and then some! Fun people, good food, nice Thanksgiving. You were great hosts. : )

Bren's Life said...

Hi! My son & I were looking at your plant cell picture.. We were wondering if you had any other pictures from it & could tell us what type of candy you used for each thing.. You did a awesome job! His project is for 6th grade, so he doesn't have to put the ice in it or the extra credit you did. If you don't mind emailing me with the info. We would greatly appreciate it! Thanks so very much.
We googled cake plant cell projects & yours came up.
Brenda W - Thanks again!

Lory said...

That was a fun Thanksgiving! Your table looks really big! But I look funny in the picture with your Mom?