Sunday, December 2, 2007

Moving and other New Things

I haven't been adding much to my blog because we've been out of town and as soon as we got back we moved into a new place. So yesterday was the big moving party, and it was snowing and windy and just about the coldest weather we've had this winter. I had been making car runs on my own during the week, so yesterday the guys just moved the big stuff like couches and our bed. I had a friend over to help pack the kitchen, and the guys took those boxes over for me too. I have a funny mixed feeling of excitement and bla-ness. I told Greg that I'm going to put the kitchen away and that will be a lot of fun, but I just feel sick and bla when I look around and see piles of clothes and half empty boxes with everything in disarray. So I've made goals for myself for the week and hopefully I get things fixed up quickly.
In the process of moving, we decided to drop our internet provider (Verizon) because the connection was constantly failing. We signed up with Time Warner and got a deal for cable TV and internet for just a little more than we were paying already. So we've got BYU TV on right now and that's fun. We are also enjoying the music channels, and finding cool movies to watch in the evening.
Our other new thing (and Christmas present to ourselves) is our Wii. Yipee! Greg ran into a kid at school who was selling all his toys to pay for his girlfriend's car accident. He even had the packaging and receipt--said he only played it a couple times. He gave us Zelda and it came with Wii sports as well. We've been looking to buy another controller and were surprised to find the average price is about $60. So we're going to hold out til we find a good sale somewhere.
Another new thing (which brightens my day even more than the Wii and cable TV) is that I now have a pantry! A whole closet just for my food storage! No more canned food under the bed! I'll put some pictures up a little later when I get things organized.
So that's why I haven't put any exciting post up for awhile. I'm planning a little Christmas party for next week, and that will be fun to put on my blog. (That also gives me a definite time by which I need to have my house in order.)


Anonymous said...

Way cool you have a Wii! But don't buy another controller - buy Wii Play. That's the one with Pool Table, Air Hockey, Tanks, etc. It comes with a controller in the box. You just have to buy the Nunchuck separately which I think is cheaper than a controller.

Wendy Jean said...

That is fun you have a Wii! I can't wait to see your Mii. That is nice you got a good deal with the games. Too bad for the other guy. I bet he is pretty bummed! He must really like his girlfriend if he is selling his games!

Granma Faye said...

Hahaha--that last comment of Wendy's is funny. I was thinking the same thing! What a sacrifice! Moving is a big job and overwhelming. It's good to just set little goals to help you break up the job and you'll feel better as you see things getting done. I've moved twice when I was pregnant and that's REALLY hard. Try to avoid that. Sick and moving don't go together at all! Yipee!! for your pantry! ♥

Summer said...

I feel bad for the guy with the girlfriend. She better marry him! hahha I can't wait to see pics of your new place.

Home of the Muddy Kids said...

I enjoyed reading some of your blog. You actually seem a lot like me. I found you by reading Kersten's blog which you found by reading the Cornwall's blog. It's twisted how we find people. Anyway, keep blogging, and feel free to visit mine at

Ali said...

Whoa, big changes! Thanks for the update. I too, am jealous of your WII. We have been looking for one, but now the search is over since we just spent our WII money on our CAR. yuck. Good luck organizing the new place! I am with you on setting up the's truly so fun and there is nothing like unpacking boxes and getting settled that gives such a huge feeling of accomplishment! I am looking forward to the pictures and party posts in the near future!

Kaela said...

I love your technique of throwing a party to speed up the unpacking process! I totally work that way too. Good luck with everything!

Kersten said...

I am so glad you are happy with your move! Great blog! Sorry it took me so long to get here!

Dave, Arielle, Grayson and Ashlynn said...

Hey Holly:)
I just saw your site and wanted to say HI!!! I am excited for you guys about the move:) How are ou doing, it has been awhile:) Your family is soo cute;)