Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Greg's Table!

Greg built a really nice picnic table to go on our deck. We used it once already, but he wanted to stain it so it will stay nice through all the weather. The stain gives it a nice color too.

Isn't he cute?

The prophet said to plant a garden, so that's what we'll do!

I was singing that song in my head as I was making the trellis for the tomatoes.

I cut little chinks in the wood so they'd fit together like lincoln logs.

I couldn't pound the stakes down enough to stand up by themselves, so I decided to make these cross things and nail them to the bottom.

I was hoping this would help them withstand all the crazy wind we get around here.

This is our strange garden area and the stakes I made. I think the fire hydrant gives it a nice touch. Oh, and the little sign that warns not to dig because of water lines, and that green box that has warning signs that you'll get shocked if you open it. We brought in a lot of dirt to fill it up. It was pretty much gravel with a little grass and weeds growing when we got here.

I dug up dirt out of the hillside and used the wheel barrow to bring it down to the garden area. Then as a side project, I got a box of wild flower seeds and sprinkled them all around. It will be really pretty if they all grow!

Then we got a couple truckloads of compost from the nursery to mix in it. (The regular dirt here is basically hard packed clay.) We also got some gypsom and mixed everything up really good. It was a lot of work just go get all the soil ready and smoothed out, and to make the little borders to keep it in place.

I got some of the plants in the garden. The tomatoes are there with the trellis, and next to them you can see a little rock border around the onions. They are the white globe onions. Then down to the right is a bunch of carrots, and more to the right and up in the square box area is about 13 bell pepper plants. We're going to eat lots of fajitas this summer! Those and all the tomatoes will go into our homemade salsa too. Yum!

I'll put up a couple more pictures when I finish getting all the plants in.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

All my plants!

Hi Everybody. I just took pictures of all my indoor plants, because I love them and it's fun to see!

My favorite part of the day is right when I wake up and go say Hi to all my plants and give them water. Then I have breakfast and start the rest of my day.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Summer's tag

Ok, so I'll do this tag thing too.

1. What was I doing 10 years ago?

Well, I was 12. I just started going to Y.W.'s. I was barely learning how to play the hymns on the piano, so I would play the same one every Sunday until I learned another one. Haha!
I was going to school at the new Mountain View Middle school in Bremerton. My best friends were Whitney Stewart, Carrissa Merrill, and I think that's about when I started getting to know Annaliese Bell.

2. What are 5 things on my To Do list?

~Build a trellis for my crazy tomato plants
~Build a little wall on the side of the garden to keep soil from washing away
~Finish washing the dishes (that's always on the list!)
~Finish putting away the laundry (that's always on the list too!)
~Transplant my garden plants from their little indoor trays to the outside garden

3. Five snacks I enjoy:

~string cheese
~chopped up apples
~ice cream
~crackers with cheese, tuna fish or ham, and pickles! Yum!

4. If I was a millionaire, what would I do?

Ok, besides all the things like "Stop world hunger" and "Make world peace," I'd like to build a large house with lots of plants inside, and lots of windows/skylights for all the plants. I would also have a big yard with a big vegetable garden. And I would get a bunch of those wild flower sprinkle boxes, and sprinkle wild flower seeds everywhere I go! Oh, and I'd finish college of course.

5. Places I've lived:

~Bremerton, WA
~Austin, TX
~Cedar Park, TX,
~Gig Harbor, WA
~Pullman, WA

6. Some bad habits:

Haha, why would I want to tell anybody what my bad habits are? If you know me, you probably already know them, and if you don't know me well enough to know my bad habits, I don't want to let you in on them now! Hahaha!

7. Jobs I've had:

~Olive Garden hostess
~Red Robin hostess
~Seasonal Fireworks stand (same as Summer and Wendy)
~Activities Assistant at a nursing home
~C.N.A. at a nursing home, an Alzheimer's unit, and in somebody's home
~Cashier at Rexal (like a Hallmark/drug store)
~Receptionist in a dental office
~And right now, the manager of a mini storage unit facility

And that's all folks! I tag anybody who wants to be tagged!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blogging Again

Hi. I've been without my camera since the middle of that's why I haven't blogged for so long. I finally got it back, so hopefully I'll get around to putting up some more posts. I thought I'd changed the background so it looked a little more spring-like, (and so you'd noticed I'm back!)

I've been busy working on our garden and getting it ready so I can plant my little baby plants outside. I've also been waiting for the weather to get warm enough that it won't freeze them. I'll take pictures of my garden as I get it finished so you can see. I've been so excited to get it going! I started most of the plants inside the house in little trays on the window, and now the tomato plants are over a foot tall! They are really outgrowing their containers!
......More to come soon!