Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Blogging Again

Hi. I've been without my camera since the middle of that's why I haven't blogged for so long. I finally got it back, so hopefully I'll get around to putting up some more posts. I thought I'd changed the background so it looked a little more spring-like, (and so you'd noticed I'm back!)

I've been busy working on our garden and getting it ready so I can plant my little baby plants outside. I've also been waiting for the weather to get warm enough that it won't freeze them. I'll take pictures of my garden as I get it finished so you can see. I've been so excited to get it going! I started most of the plants inside the house in little trays on the window, and now the tomato plants are over a foot tall! They are really outgrowing their containers!
......More to come soon!

1 comment:

Summer said...

I wondered if you were back to blogging now that you got your camera. I like the background. It's fun and bright.