Saturday, November 14, 2009

I really should have taken care of those tomatoes last week

Greg was so good and took apart all the garden stuff last weekend. That pile of on the side is the black covering I put over the garden soil. Greg pulled it all up and wrapped it up in a bundle of fabric and dead plants. I'm glad that's already done, so it will be easy to prep the garden in the spring. Hopefully I'll be able to plant earlier than I did this year.

It's so weird though...I feel like we just barely left August behind, and now I'm hearing Christmas music and seeing snow!


Kaela said...

It's good to know that even you make mistakes in gardening. The fruits of my gardening labors this year were pretty pathetic. You are still my garden hero:)

Granma Faye said...

Oh, those poor tomatoes out in the cold.'s pretty but ooooo makes me shiver. I can't believe it's winter, either. I think all through autumn I was in denial...just pretending it was still summer. Guess I have to face the facts now! Yeah, I was annoyed to hear Christmas music last week in Macys. I'd love to hear it the day after Thanksgiving.

Lory said...

I want to be there in the snow with you! I figure if I can't have sun than I want snow! Obviously we don't have any yet. Ellie and I went puddle stoomping before her nap. It was fun and we got all wet and cold. Came back to steamer, story and nap! (for her, work for me)