Saturday, September 11, 2010

I love Pandora

This song just came up on my Pandora station this morning. I love the pure sweet voices of the boys choir. It's amazing that they can be so talented at such a young age. It's beautiful.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


We came upon this the other day. The semi truck was trying to make it around the circle round-about at the only entrance to our apartment complex, but he didn't make it. It looked like he was planning to jump the curb and drive over the island, but the tires just sunk deep into the mud instead...and he didn't jump the curb--he plowed through it instead. The maintenance guy that was standing around told me the total weight of the machinery and the trailer was 80,000 pounds, and the truck driver got fired. I don't know how you get another job after getting fired for messing up like that.

It's times like this that I'm glad I'm not a truck driver.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We Moved!

We moved a little over a week ago from our Cougar's Closet apartment above the storage units to a regular apartment down the street.

It has been so nice to be home and not worry about the phone ringing or customers coming to my door! And I'm glad we could stay in the same ward at church. A major part of Pullman that I love is the friends who feel like family at church. I also love my calling of working with the young women. It is one of the great joys in my life right now.

Welcome to our home!

This shows the signs I made to help our friends help us. We put colored stickers on all the boxes to tell them which room they go to. (Put an orange sticker on the boxes for storage, and a green sticker on the bedroom boxes...etc)

Even though there are boxes everywhere and things are not organized yet, it does feel like home. We're making progress, and I think it will be really nice when I've finished working on it.

Oh, and by the way Mom, the bathroom stuff matches nicely with the green counter top.

This is the view I used to have of my flowers...

Oh, and I wanted to get a picture of this satellite dish...they are taking it down and I thought it looked like they are going to shoot a missile into space.

And this is the view we have out our bedroom window now. It's not too bad actually. If you look out the sliding glass door you see the edge of the parking lot and then it's just wheat fields. It will be really pretty in the spring when everything is green!

French Twist

I finally figured out how to do the french twist in my hair! It's fun to play with new things and do something different than my regular boring ponytail. The flower is from Wendy. I think it looks so cute when I can add a flower or a bow.

This hair-do always makes me think of the Thatcher girls--especially Shauna. They always had their hair done nice and neat as teenagers.