Friday, October 14, 2011

Things as they really are

Here is the whole talk: Things as they really are By David A. Bednar

I loved this talk the first time I heard it. I feel like I really learned a lot and caused me to think about these things more than I have before. Do I really want to spend all my time watching tv or browsing online when I could be spending meaningful time with family and friends instead? Or working, or studying, or doing service... The scriptures say that, "...the natural man is an enemy to God..." It's our mission to overcome the natural man that is in each of us and become a servant of God, because that is the thing that will bring true and lasting joy in this life.

We used this talk for a youth activity a couple years ago when it was first given. We handed out a worksheet for the kids to do while they listened to the talk. They had to listen for answers to questions or fill in the blank on their page. It was a good activity and got the kids thinking and talking about how they use different kinds of media or how it affects their life.


Granma Faye said...

Yes, that is a very thought-provoking talk...warning, really. Elder Bednar expresses his concerns and the truth so clearly and succinctly. Life is short. The older you get the more you realize that. It's sometimes hard to maintain balance in all things and set proper priorities but so necessary to our temporal and spiritual well-being.

Anonymous said...

You just cancelled out your previous post - Virtual Choir! ha ha ha!

Granma Faye said...

Nuh's about maintaining balance. Virtual stuff is fine in moderation, right Holly? So hahahaha your own self. : )

Holly said...

Ha, yeah, I know Dad. Mom's right, the point is not that anything electronic is's just bad to be obsessed with it.