Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Bike Ride

Summer sent me an email and said she wanted Greg and I to come down and go on this really cool bike ride with her. Greg is busy with school, so I drove down to La Grande alone with my bike on the back of the car. When I got here, we were afraid we wouldn't get to go on our bike ride because the weather was cold and looked like it would rain. We spent the next day keeping busy with "Body on the ball" (a class at the gym) canning with the Relief Societ, and watching "Planet Earth" (a cool Discovery Channel show).

Today when we got up we decided to go on our ride since the weather was sunny and warm. We got everything ready and headed up to the mountain driving seperately. We drove for quite awhile before Summer stopped and we put my bike on her car, preparing to leave my car behind. I made sure to get my camel pack, purse, bike gloves, and all the things that are necessary for riding. Then we continued up the mountain in her car to the place where we would park and begin our decent down the mountain on our bikes. Unfortunately, we both had to go potty (And yes, we went and "Tried" before leaving home) so we took turns behind the car since there were no bathrooms around. As I pulled our things out of the car, a little sick feeling started in the pit of my stomach and I soon realized something was missing! We pulled everything out and looked everywhere, but I could not find the seat for my bike! I tried sitting carefully on the frame of the bike with my padded bike shorts, but that was definetly not an option!

Giggling and making fun of ourselves, we packed up our stuff and headed back down the mountain towards my car. We realized from the perspective of someone else, it appeared that we drove to the top of the mountain just so we could stop and pee, then turn around and go home. HAhahahaa!


Summer, Glen & Ginger said...

That's funny. I like how you tell the story. Your writing is much more entertaining than mine. I guess that's why I don't write a whole lot. I'm not so good at it.
We should have taken a picture of just your bike seat to show on this post. That would be funny.

Granma Faye said...

Oh, no! leaving the bike seat in the car definitely would not work. Ya just gotta have that! It's hard enough WITH a bike seat--they're so skinny and hard! You silly girl! :)
I'm glad the weather was nice so you could do the ride, eventually. How fun. I wanna do that! ♥

Kaela said...

You ARE a good story teller:) That is SO funny! I'm glad you got to go on the bikeride eventually too.

Wendy Jean said...

That is funny Holly! I like your blog. Thanks for the invite to your blog. I really like the celebrity morph too. You and Vanna White look a lot a like!

Granma Faye said...

I like your slide show with Daddy Pies. Actually, I like all your slide shows. Fun, Holly! ♥