Monday, December 20, 2010

Car Wreck

You may have seen this on the news. Adam is a friend from church. His family is in our ward and I like to help his mom with serving lunch at Friday Forum (Institute). Adam picked us up last night to go to the ward choir party at the Dangerfield's, and on the way told us about his car accident. It's funny...I've been hanging out with Adam's mom and spent some time at their house, and somehow did know this news that went international before the cops arrived on the scene. Haha. Adam said the other cars on the highway stopped to get pictures and video and put it up online with their phones right then. I just can't believe what a close call that was! I think he was ok because of the faith and prayers of his parents. Sometimes I wonder if they were angelic messengers who were sent to earth and got stuck here. I think living a life of complete service to others has really paid off for their family.

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Summer said...

wow! that looks aweful!!!

Granma Faye said...

Unbelievable! I saw larger pictures and it really is incredible that he made it out of that alive.