Saturday, December 11, 2010


We went to see the Nativity display at the Stake Center. It was fun to see all the different kinds of nativity sets that were displayed in the gym. I think there were about 450 sets, and they were from all different kinds of cultures and places: Mexico, Africa, China, Native American, Poland...etc. They had another room where you could dress up and get your picture taken. My friend, Hadra, and I are angels and Greg is a wise man. The family before us had a lot of kids, so they had Mary and Joseph, Wise Men and Shepherds, an angel, a cow, and a donkey. Hahaha!

If your church doesn't do this, you should suggest it. It's a neat experience! The nativity sets came from people in the church and the community who let us use them to display. Lots of people came throughout the last week to help set up and make it beautiful. There were people singing, playing the flute and piano, and the harp to make beautiful background music. It was wonderful!


Anonymous said...

I never go because it seems like it would be boring looking at 250 variations of the same thing. Plus they don't serve cookies, so what's the point?

Amy said...

I thought nothing would compare to the nativity exhibit at the DC Temple Visitor's Center. This BLEW it out of the water! I couldn't believe the variety and how they transformed the gym into such a beautiful display! I loved the Children's room and the music in the chapel as well. I couldn't believe they had all those awesome costumes to dress up in. It was truly an amazing event. I felt badly I didn't invite someone like you did. Next year for sure! Great photo!

Granma Faye said...

FUN picture, Holly! I love the pretty gold in the costumes. Our Stake actually did have a nativity viewing--this year and last. We just haven't gone to it. I guess if they do it again next year we'll go check it out...cookies or no cookies. : ) That silly he needs cookies!

Greg said...

It is actually very well done... I would think it would be boring except when I was there I wasn't bored.
Anyway, Holly is wearing a cope. That is a catholic priestly vestment. It just looks weird to me because I'm used to seeing that on catholic cardinals and bishops and stuff. I just think its funny and weird to see it on a girl. I've also never seen an angel with a staff, but I think Hadra was trying to pull off a sort of "Zeus" thing

Ali said...

What a great picture! Our stake had a similar activity. The nativities that surprised me the most were the charlie brown versions and the moose version!! Who would have thought? My favorite ones were from Germany though- you know the kind that spin when the candles are lit?! So cool.

Carrissa Hellewell said...

How fun! My parents stake does this and has for the last 3 years. Its really neat because other churches come and then they understand that we do believe in Christ and the feelings there are just wonderful! They also took pictures and let you dress up as people from the nativity, but unfortunately we didn't get a chance. :(