Sunday, December 5, 2010


We had a lesson about money management in Young Women's today. We talked about why God would want us to learn to use our money wisely, and how the qualities we develop as good stewards of our money will translate to other parts of our lives. For instance, you have to learn self-control and discipline to manage your money. When you can do that, you will be able to master many other things in your life. And why would we have a lesson about money management in church on Sunday? Because God wants us to be successful and happy, and these things that seem temporal to us affect us spiritually as well. The whole point of life is to learn to master yourself and become more like God.

The teacher read a quote from Dave Ramsey's book during the lesson. It may not be word for word because I wrote it down after she said it.

"Money will only make you more of what you already are. If you are a jerk, wealth with make you become the King of Jerks. If you are generous, wealth with make you most generous, and if you are kind, wealth will make you more kind than any."

That is so true! Money is not evil. Evil people are evil, and their evilness is magnified when they have money/power. And when good people have money/power, their goodness is magnified as well. (Think of Esther and the position she was in. And they said she came to the kingdom "for such a time as this." She was able to use her position of power for good in a way she could not have done were she a simple citizen of no consequence.)

The teacher also read a quote that said something to the effect of, "Money will pave the road from good intentions to good deeds."

Money isn't everything, but if you have it you can use it and be an instrument in God's hands. I have met several people who are doing very well financially, and they all had this in common: They were hard-working, unselfish people who wanted to serve God and their fellow men. Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." One of those people told me they believed God blessed them because they gave when they did not have much to give. Now they are blessed in many ways and it is easier for them to give freely to help those around them. I admire their good examples and hope that I can be an instrument in God's hands as well.

That's been on my mind now that we're headed into Christmas and the season of giving. I hope you have a meaningful Christmas and look for ways you can help the people around you, as Christ would. Merry Christmas!


Ali said...

Interesting quote from Dave Ramsey...I'm going to have to get a book of his or something. You and Wendy have both endorsed him now!

Anonymous said...

I plan on having a meaningful Halloween this Christmas. ;0)