Friday, June 6, 2008

New Tree

As you can tell by now, I really am liking plants. Here's my newest addition. I found it growing in a weird place on the property, so I adopted it. I'm not sure exactly what kind it is, but I have a sneaking suspicion it is one of those tall white-barked trees that are growing all around here.

The other little pot is my apple tree. I started it from a seed from my apple and have been growing it on the window sill. I decided it was time for it to be in the real world and get used to living outside. It seems to be doing ok. So in about 6 to 9 years we'll get to have some apples from our tree!


Ali said...

six to nine years! Wow, that seems so far away. But I'm sure the rewards will be worth it. Your deck looks so shiny and beautiful! Did it just rain? Way to nurture the plants and trees. Trees are a neat thing to plant, nourish, and grow, cause they last FOREVER!

Granma Faye said...

Well, I hope you can take your now little trees with you wherever you go. They may get too big, though, and you'll have to let them live in the earth with other caretakers. :(
I agree with Ali, a tree is a cool thing to plant--so lasting and beautiful. ♥

Holly said...

yeah, I'll take the trees to the next place we live. We won't live here more than a couple years, and then hopefully go to a house at that time. Trees don't grow that fast.

Kaela said...

So cool! I love those white barked trees. I'm glad you will get to take them with you too. My mother in law planted a few trees at her house when they moved into it that are SO huge now. I think it makes it even more gratifying to see them huge because they do grow slow.

Summer said...

you need Greg to build you a little green house for your little green thumb. :)

Jared M Ryan said...

If you have not yet identified the tree send me a picture of some of the leaves. front and back. I am very good at identifying plants. afterall botany is a hobby of mine. also tell greg i still think he has a sexy probisci.
so besides all that how are you holly? its been a long time. how are things in pullman? well i will talk to you later i suppose.