Friday, June 6, 2008


I've been spending my time recently doing some serious organizing. I pulled everything out of the closets in my bedroom and the craft room and went through everything. It feels good to clean out old junk and have things neat and clean. I had fun organizing all my craft supplies and especially the scrapbook paper. There's pieces of cardboard in between the paper so it all stays nice and straight.

Now I feel like I can make a mess with the scrapbook stuff and not be adding to messes upon messes. Hopefully I can start learning how to sew too!

1 comment:

Kaela said...

I was just gearing up to do a post on organizing too:) I think organizing is so fun and rewarding! I have been trying to get to my scrapbooking and sewing projects for quite some time now- hopefully this week. My goal was to get my house all clean and organized this weekend and not let other things get in the way next week:) Great cardboard idea!