Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Roasting a Turkey, Part 2

Ok ok, it wasn't that bad I guess. It was about 15 minutes of horrible miserable grossness, and then a few hours later it was 15 minutes of wonderful delicious dinner. And, there's tons of meat there that will go in freezer bags and be enjoyed in the coming months. It really is cool that I got that whole thing for $7. I probably will do it again next year.

...And if I can do it, YOU can do it!


Ali said...

I'm glad all the grossness paid off...and you're right- that turkey will go a LONG WAYS. Nice work!``

Granma Faye said...

It does taste good, huh? Funny how we usually only have it only once a year! I still like my no fuss, no muss turkey roast. All slices up nicely with no bones. Yay! And, of course, we have it with cranberry! Yum!

Summer said...

that's so funny. I remember thinking it was gross the first time i did that, but now it's no big deal. I even use my BARE HANDS ahahahhahah and then I lick my fingers clean. hahahhah just kidding. hahahahah

Granma Faye said...

Ooooo....Summer's little joke made me scrunch up my nose and think, eeeuuu! Yeah, I think there must be lots of new brides that are grossed-out about handling meat when it's still in its original, identifiable shape. I felt that way, too, many moons ago. Try cooking tongue. I did that. All the little bumpies (taste buds) are visible. hahahhaa...just had to mention that!

Holly said...

Ahhhhhh! Gross Mom! Hahaha! I can't believe you cooked tongue! Why on earth would ANYbody eat that? I don't believe you've ever been in such desperate circumstances that could justify the need for you to eat tongue. Ick!