Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What a storm!

Last night the wind blew and blew! It was so loud that it kept me up for the first half of the night. And the thunder and lightening came! The lightening was so bright that it hurt my eyes when it flashed and lit up the room through the closed curtains. The thunder rumbled and roared like a freight train coming through my bedroom.

Lots of people and businesses in the area lost power. Luckily we didn't. I heard that the wind was going 70 miles per hour! When we left the apartment this morning we saw our neighbor's moped bike had fallen over. We also drove by a construction site that had most of the roofing progress ruined. Tar paper and shingles were all over the ground that had been torn from the roof. And most exciting, one of the schools in Moscow closed! When I went shopping I saw lots of kids happily hanging out with their moms at the store. I bet they were happy!

And on a bigger scale, here is a picture my dad sent to me. It was on the Komo News website.



Unknown said...

holy moly, that picture is bad. I heard everyone complaining about it on facebook, but we didn't get it too bad. I think this weekend will be bad for us~ yikes

Anonymous said...

For those of you who are not from Western Washington, those boxes are shipping containers at the Seattle port. So you can imagine the noise that made.