Monday, April 27, 2009

A Year's Supply of Jam?

I've been thinking about food storage and planning to get more of the long-term things like wheat and sugar...but do you think I have a year's supply of jam? There's blackberry, strawberry, black/strawberry, peach, yellow plum, and yellow plum/grape.
I really should figure out how to make and can something besides jam and applesauce....

1 comment:

Granma Faye said...

Lookin' good, Holly. That would be such a treat if you HAD to rely on just your food storage. It's probably not a year's supply 'cause you'd want to use it often as your comfort "treat" food. Also, if you were making lots of bread--which for most people it would likely become a staple during hard times--you'd use lots of jam. Also, peanut butter, I think. : ) ♥