Thursday, June 4, 2009

This is what happens when...

... you start making bread and forget to add the yeast...then add it at the last second and hope it works, and then let it rise for 10 minutes...and while it's rising the doorbell rings and you don't get back to your bread for 45 minutes....
That's what happens.
Good thing the lid locks down.


Annaliese said...

At least your bread rises. I've tried 3 times in the past month, even bought new yeast, and I still end up with crappy flat loaves. Oh well, it's probably for the best. If it turned out good I'd just have to make it more often. Buying is so much easier.

Granma Faye said...

Oh, that's funny, Holly. Yeah, bread making can be quite an experience...but oh so rewarding, with the warm slices covered in butter and honey! YUM! Who needs dessert? Wow, I could eat at least 1/2 a loaf all by myself! ♥

Anonymous said...

I remember the good old days when your mom would put the stuff in the breadmaker, set the timer, and in the middle of the night we'd hear it running. First thing in the morning, the house would be filled with the smell of fresh-baked bread. Yum!


Kaela said...

So it turned out, right? That is too funny:)