Monday, October 5, 2009

Garden stuff

We got a few cantaloupe from the garden this year. The biggest fruit turned out to be rotten when I picked it...very disappointing. But the fruit we got tastes good!

I'm hoping all these tomatoes will hurry up and ripen before it freezes.

There are a few orange-red ones, but most are all green. They say there are green tomato recipes out there that are good, but I don't know about that. I'd rather make a bunch of pizza sauce with red tomatoes!


Lory said...

Holly, you are fantastic! I am jealous of your cantaloupe. They look delicious! There are good green tomatoe recipes out there, but I agree, red recipes are better. I've heard that if freeze is coming, if you hang them from the branches in a garage/storage unit-they will rippen. then we will all be jealous of red tomatoes in November? Love You, Lory

Granma Faye said...

Yeah, you can let green tomatoes ripen indoors. I remember my Dad picking them and (I don't know why this technique but) wrapping them in newspaper and sticking them away for a few days. Later, he unwrapped them and they were ripe. I'm thinking they might not have the full flavor of sun-ripened--which is my complaint with store fruits that are packed green and ripen during shipment. But still, you can save them at least. The cantaloupe look great! Wow! ♥

Unknown said...

I'm sorry that I never came and got veggies! Sis. Breyman gave us a bunch the next day, and we've been trying to get through them (with less success than one would hope...). Also, I'm truly sorry if I have offended you. I don't mean to dis on our city or the people here. It has just been a hard transition moving, new baby, missing old friends, being shy, etc. It's growing on me, and I'm getting to know/like my VT better now. Also, I feel like I'm finally breaking through some walls with the YW. Perhaps I should write an update blog. Yes, I think I will.