Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I got it!....Again.

Since I'm a young women's leader I've been able to work on Personal Progress and earn my medallion again. That is neat because when I was a teenager I got the silver medallion. This time I got the gold one, and it's very pretty too! The church made some changes to the Personal Progress Program this year, including a new medallion. So, I'm doing it again! (Actually, I kind of miss it and didn't want it to be over, so I think I would have done it again even if there wasn't a new necklace...Honestly, how many temple necklaces does one person really need? Hehhehe!)

For those who don't know what Personal Progress is, it's sort of like boyscouts I guess. It's a program our church has to help teenage girls learn how to study and learn things from the scriptures, make goals for themselves, and work to become a better person. An example of something they would be asked to do is: "The Savior is the perfect example of integrity. He did what He promised the Father He would do. Study the lives of other individuals in the scriptures who lived with integrity. Read Genesis 39, the Book of Esther, Job 2:3, 27:3-6, Daniel 3 and 6, and Acts 26. Write in your journal the ways these people demonstrated integrity. Think of a time when you had the courage to show integrity and share your experience with a parent, Young Women leader, or Young Women class." A lot of times you're supposed to read a scripture about a gospel principle and then practice it for two weeks also. I think it's a great program for teenage girls and also for me! It helps me remember what's really important during my busy times with school and business stuff. It's also been good for me to know what the girls in my class should be working on. I think I can help and encourage them better because I've done the program myself...instead of just saying, "It's good for you so you should do it."

This is the new medallion they made this year. It also comes in silver.

They added the red stone to remind the girls of the scripture, "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." (Proverbs 31:10) I hope I have daughters so I can work on Personal Progress again with them!


Granma Faye said...

I was just reading about this in the Ensign. I really like the red "ruby" stone they've added. It's beautiful. It was interesting to read about the different symbols on the medallion and what they mean. I remembered you telling me about getting your medallion and how pretty it is.

Anonymous said...

Go Holly Go! That medallion is beautiful. It will look very nice on you.

Granma Faye said...

Oh yeah, I meant to mention, I really like the pretty blue of your blog and the little daisies!

Lory said...

Holly, this sounds like a good program. I agree with your comment to continue to work on the program with the girls-do as I'm doing, not do as I say. This is part of why I enjoy our Bible study so much. one of the ways of walking the talk. To always be working on spiritual growth. It's not just for a time, and now I'm done. Enjoy your medal-it's almost as beautiful as you :)

Kaela said...

Way to go Holly!! It really is beautiful. I want to be in YW again, earn it and get silver since I already have the gold one, but really wear more silver. You seem like the BEST YW advisor, teacher, counselor:)

Unknown said...

Congrats! how is life?

Summer said...

Good job Holly! I never did finish the one way back when I was in young womens and then when I was a leader I never finished that one. Too bad I couldn't put the two halves that I did together and call it good.hahahah oh well. Maybe I'll have to just get mine when Ginger does.