Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Painting with Mom and Dad!

When we visited Mom and Dad at Christmas they planned a fun day for us to be together. We went to the painting place and got to paint our own pottery. We spent about 5 hours working on our dishes! I could have worked on it another hour easily, but it was getting late and we hadn't had dinner yet. We were going to go out to Red Lobster, but since it was late we decided to order a pizza instead and play games. The pizza arrived at our house at the same time we pulled into the driveway. It was fun playing games and eating pizza.

We couldn't wait to see our stuff after it was fired. The paint looks a lot brighter and just different than before it gets the glaze, so you never know how it's going to look in the end. We painted our things on Monday and got them back Saturday night. I think they all turned out really good! And my fruit plate matches with my table cloth, kitchen rugs, towels, and potholders! Yipee!


Lory said...

What a fun day. You'll love your dish-David painted one like that for me and I like using it. The fun thing is your dad and yours turn out so different, yet they start the same! You have beautifully coordinated kitchen :)

Granma Faye said...

Hey, Holly, that looks really good on your table! I like it! We all did good, I think (pat myself and everyone on the back) : ) That was fun. Can you imagine painting a whole set of dishes? That would take about a year considering my one little bowl took 5 hours!

Holly said...

Haha, yeah, but you would get better and faster after about dish 4.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to go back and do it again. But next time, I'm taking chips and salsa.