Monday, March 15, 2010

The Best Food Known To Man

My friends, I present....Hummus.

(Sorry, the lighting is funny. The counter is actually cream colored and that hummus is light tan/cream...not green or yellow like it looks.)

15 oz can of Chick Peas (Garbanzo Beans)
1/4 cup Tahini (Sesame seed paste)
2 cloves of garlic
3/4 tsp salt
2 Tbsp lemon juice
3/4 tsp cumin
2 Tbsp olive oil
sprinkle of parsley
sprinkle of paprika

Process in food processor for 3 minutes, adding up to 1/4 cup cold water as needed. Serve with pita bread, crackers, chips, carrots...etc. (It works out to be about $2 a batch.)

We just made it tonight for the first time and it's good with carrots. Actually, I could probably enjoy it on cardboard just need some kind of transportation to get the hummus from the bowl to your mouth.

I got this recipe from the Lees, the same people who gave us our wonderful salsa recipe. I'm going to be asking them for more recipes of good stuff...I'm wondering what else they've got up their sleeve.


Anonymous said...

You just better keep that freeko tree-huggin hippy stuff away from me. That's all I got to say.

When there's all kinds of good food readily available, why do people go off and eat the weird stuff?

Hi, I'm Yule Gibbons. Ever eat a pine cone?

Granma Faye said...

Humm, it's all probably in the recipe. I haven't ever been too thrilled with the samples at Costco. It's definitely "a-good-for-you" item. Maybe I should try your recipe, Holly. I just know Dad won't be eager to try my "tree-huggin' Grandma food!" hahaha

Holly said...

Oh, you guys are crazy! It's SO GOOD! This is better than store-bought stuff, of course. Dad loves garbanzo beans! He's always talking about them anyway, and that's the main ingredient. And don't you put sesame seeds on your salad? There you go, it's almost like you eat hummus already! Hahahaa! Now you have to make it and testify on the blog how wonderful it is so you don't scare away all my other friends who wanted to make it. =)

Ali said...

I love hummus! I love how you say you just need some mode of transport to get the hummus from the bowl to your mouth- so true! but cardboard? Ok, I can dig it :)

Lory said...

Holly, now your talking! Mike made some roasted red pepper hummus that is fantastic! I was going to make some today, but probably won't till Thursday-Dave, Faye, come on over and try some good stuff! It is nothing like the sample stuff...It's the real thing! I slice my carrots flat length wise to give me more surface area to scoop up the good stuff...put some in a small dish-just for yourself, double dipping is the only way to go!

Anonymous said...

You can have your sissie dip. I'll have bean dip, salsa, and Fritos (Scoops.) Now there's a man's snack!

Carolyn said...

I love hummus! The thing that keeps me from eating it is the garlic breath I have all day afterward. I'll have to try your recipe.

Joal said...

It looks like your batch turned out really well. Hummus is one of those simple pleasures in life: easy to make and easy to enjoy.

Several years ago, we were at one of Elizabeth's sisters' houses for St. Patrick's Day and they made a huge batck--like half a gallon--of GREEN hummus, as in hummus with bright green food coloring in it. The coloring didn't change the flavor, but it sure made it hard for me to eat (they also made green mashed potatoes with green gravy, and it was likewise difficult to ingest).

I prefer my hummus the way you have it pictured here.

I'm so excited for salsa season (you just had to remind me of salsa, didn't you). Here is a delicious snack: a torilla chipped dipped in humms and then dipped in fresh salsa. Mmmm.

Summer said...

hahah dad's funny. I disagree. The best food? ick! Glen loves it though, so I s'pose I better write this recipe down and keep it. He would love it I'm sure.