Friday, January 14, 2011

Love my boots!

I've been needing some good boots to wear in the snow. I have steel-toe boots, which keep the snow out, but then my toes freeze. (Haha, cause the metal gets cold.) Anyway, we went searching for boots. All the boots I tried on were stiff and uncomfortable, and most of them would take 15 minutes just to put on.

Finally, we went to Tri-State and started looking. I saw some boots called Bogs. They were on sale, so I tried them on. Miracle of Miracles! They were comfortable! The sole is squishy and soft, and the sock part of the boot is made of neoprene. You just slide your foot in and it's on! No annoying laces to get tangled up or mushy with snow and mud. And I can wear my fat wool socks with them and play in the snow for hours without getting wet or cold feet. It's amazing!

(The picture at the top is the kind I got. And there are lots of variations. If you google "Bogs" you'll see lots of different kinds.)


Amy said...

Wow! Do they have them for kids? If I had a nickel for every time I heard, "Mom, will you tie/untie my boots?" I'd be rich.

Anonymous said...

I had to wear Galoshes as a kid. They are horrible! I had to jam my shoes into them, and then buckle them up with the world's most difficult buckles to shut. Then it was clomp clomp clomp around. Once at school, getting my shoes out of them was a task for Hercules. I'm glad you have something nice and reasonable!

Summer said...

those look comfortable. glad you found some nice ones.

Ali said...

They sound perfect! Nothing like a perfect shoe:)

Granma Faye said...

I KNOW how hard it is to find comfortable footwear! Good for you, Holly. It's not easy for you, either, so what a pleasant surprise to easily find something. Glad it works for you. You definitely need it in your neck of the woods. Snow, snow, and more snow! Plus REALLY cold!

Unknown said...

Love them I have BOGS too!! Mine are brown with a flower design.

Wendy Jean said...

Sounds like nice boots! The flower ones at the bottom are cute! Don't think I'd wear them too often here though.