Thursday, January 20, 2011

Memphis Single's Branch

I was looking for something to help prepare for the wednesday night activity when I came across this website. The guys in this branch are pretty funny. They make short videos and post them to advertise the activities for the young single adults. Here's a couple of the ones I liked. (Of course, you can expect them to be ridiculous and corny...just the sort of thing I like. hahahaha.)

The Halloween Dance:

The Asian-Themed Break the Fast (This is a social potluck meal after church to end our's fun.)

Spudwood Dirby...I want to do this one. It looks like fun!

Funny Videos Website


Granma Faye said...

Yeah, I like the Spudwood Derby. Looks kinda fun. Those are some interesting and ridiculous-looking potato cars. : )

Summer said...

Wow, that's a lot of work to advertise a dance. I wonder if they get good turnouts. that's cool. Now THEY take their calling seriously huh! hahah

Wendy Jean said...

love the videos! So fun! I want to do a spud derby. It would be a fun youth activity.