Friday, October 19, 2007

Pumpkins Don't Last

Our Poor Pumpkins don't look so good anymore! Hahahaha! Full of mold and falling in, looks like a person without teeth. And Greg's pumpkin that had frightening horns now appears to have curly pig-tails on both sides of it's head. Hahahhaa!

Greg fixed up this picture for me so we can easily compare the fresh pumpkins with the old, tired and depressed pumpkins.


Ali said...

Wow, this is a great example of why I don't like carving pumpkins. They are SO much work and don't last too long...of course, I'm sure the memories of actually carving them out and being creative with them are worth it, but I am just lazy when it comes to the actual carving. They sure were cute...and they totally look like geriatric pumpkins now. ;)

Kaela said...

I think it is so funny to see how their faces change as they decompose... that sounds kind of morbid. But they started out happy and scary and now they look sad and silly. Funny:D

Summer said...

hahah that's so funny. I like how Greg made it so you could compare the happy pumpkin to the tired old pumpkin. hahhaha

Anonymous said...

Don't seem to be much difference between pumpkins and people, huh. I used to look like the one on the left, and now I look like the one on the right.

Granma Faye said...

Oh...that's sad...and funny. They lost their false teeth somewhere in the pumpkin patch! hahaha

Wendy Jean said...

that is funny! Our pumpkins didn't last long either! i love the curly little ears. ha ha ha!