Monday, October 8, 2007


Our friends, the Lee's gave us some salsa the other day and it was SO Good! We got the recipe and then Greg went shopping for all the peppers and different spicy ingredients. Last night we set everything up and went to work. Half of the ingredients need to be chopped and sauteed, and the other half are chopped and added fresh to the mix. Even though it was very cold outside, I opened all the windows and doors and put our fans on full blast. Chopping and sauteeing all those peppers and onions fills the air so much with eye-watering and nosing burning chemicals.

Greg did most of the work as I practiced the piano, and then I helped towards the end with some final ingredients such as two limes and a large bunch of cilantro. Greg was so excited as he mixed everything together in our biggest mixing bowl. We grabbed the chips and dug in! And the salsa WAS good! I had to get sour cream to mix in a bowl for myself because it was too spicy for me. Brother Lee warned us not to touch our eyes for at least 24 after we make the we were being very careful....However, a couple hours later (and after scrubbing with soap) as Greg was working at his computer, he forgot for a split-second and touched his eye. I didn't know what happened, but I knew he was in pain. He bolted to the bathroom and stuck his head in the sink letting the water pour full-blast into his eye. After a few minutes when everything calmed down a little, he could hold his eye open just long enough for me to see that it was very red and watering profusley. I could even see the actually spot on the eye that he had touched, as it was especially red and disturbed looking. It cleared up after about a half an hour. He was really careful after that.
That salsa is very good! We ate it until our stomachs were so full and on fire!


Kaela said...

Yummmy! Nothing like homemade salsa- I would love the recipe! I'm glad Greg's eye got better- yikes who knew salsa could be so dangerous:)

Granma Faye said...

Yeah, and salsa ingredients aren't the only things bad for eyes. Mint flavored dental floss can get you, too. Wash hands well after flossing and before rubbing your eyes....hahaha it gives you that wind-in-your eyes-cool-breeze feeling! ♥