Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Halloween, 6 hours later...

Greg woke up later and then we made homemade ice cream and watched the De Vinci Code on tv. That was fun. Well, that movie is a little creepy, and I felt shocked at some of the quick acts of violence. I'm not exposed to things like that very much so it kind of upset me. The story part was interesting though. Of course it is just a story, but it was entertaining. I wonder how many people have gone to that place at the end of the movie looking for Mary.
Anyway, I was just glad to be home with Greg even if we weren't doing traditional Halloween stuff. I miss him a lot when he's busy with school so's just nice to be together whatever we're doing.

For the big finale of the night we sat on the floor and laughed at the stupid people on the Suze Oreman show. It was 2am and people were calling in to ask her if they can afford things. They would tell her about this outrageously stupid thing ($130 cat stroller, $6,800 artificial grass for the back yard, $10,000 watch...) and they'd have to explain all their income and debt and she would say yes or no. We laughed and laughed, and remembering the SNL skit ("If you don't have any money, you shouldn't buy anything.") we thought they should show that on tv more often.


Ali said...

I like quiet nights with the hubby like this the best...It's nice to just be together, relax, and enjoy each other's company. Enjoy these easy going-just the two of you-relaxing holidays while you can!!! (I'm not a big fan of Halloween...the only reason we even got dressed up was for a friend in the ward's party -it was mandatory :) But I know I'll have to be gung ho about it from here on out for a little one!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any money, but I want everything. What should I do?

Kaela said...

I agree that it is good to kind of have a non-holiday every once in awhile. Sounds like you guys both needed a good break. Have you seen any of the SNL Suze Orman sketches- they are so funny. Unfortunately they have some of the typical SNL inappropriateness, but they do a good job of impersonating her. You'll never look at her the same way again.