Friday, March 6, 2009


One thing I love about Pullman is the mornings are always so beautiful...even though it is just 9 degrees right now, you wouldn't know it with the way the sun is shining.


Wendy Jean said...

The kids would love it if they could be there! It's getting warm here and we are already dreaming about spending lazy hot afternoons at the pool.

Summer said...

it is pretty. I can't believe it snowed again! so much! I'm ready for spring.

Granma Faye said...

Oh, brrrr...I THOUGHT we were done with snow but it was snowing here this evening. Nothing far. It's about 33 degrees and just wet. I guess there's still a chance of more snow through Monday. Spring, oh spring, where art thou? My daffodils are getting their heads frozen! ♥ (Glad you can take pictures now.) : )