Friday, October 24, 2008


We made applesauce today at a friend's house. She has this really cool applesauce maker. You cut the apple in fourths, and cut out the stem and blossom on the end. That's it! You don't have to peel or core or make tiny pieces. Then you throw it in a pot and cook it. When the apples are soft and mush easily, you pour them into the top of the contraption and start turning a crank. The core and seeds and peel gets filtered and spit out one direction, and smooth nice pure applesauce comes out the other side. It makes the process very easy and fast.

The only problem is you can't make chunky applesauce that way, and chunky is the whole reason I like homemade. So we a couple pot-fulls of apples that were sliced and cored and peeled with the other tool we got, and then just mixed in those chunky pots with the smooth. We made 25 and a half jars, and canned them with her pressure cooker. Ta Da!


Granma Faye said...

Wow, that took alot of apples to make that many quarts. Oh, it will be so good to eat all winter. It's nice you could use your friend's equipment. I'm sure it sped up the process. ♥

Wendy Jean said...

that is so cool! I wish I could make that much applesauce! I haven't done any canning yet. My food storage is from the church cannery or my extra freezer full of food. I love the chunky applesauce too - just like Grandma Grace would make.