Sunday, January 6, 2008

Returning to Real Life

I feel like I've not been in real life for a long time...well, pretty much since we started plans for moving, as well as the coming of Thanksgiving and Christmas. We've got most of the house put together now, and I'm just slowly chipping away at the craft-room/office to get it to a usable state. That room has kind of suffered since it's not as important as the kitchen or our bedroom. We finally hung our pictures, and that really made it feel like home again. I love to have pictures of the temple or the Savior on the wall in a place I see often. I think that helps us have the Spirit in our home, and that's what really makes it feel like home in the first place.

The other indicators that I'm back to "real life" is that I started school. I've been out of school for almost a year now--since getting married and moving and working to support us. I'm just taking one class (Biology), but hopefully as I get the hang of my new job and remember how to be a student, I can start adding more classes. I'm attending the community college for the first year or so to finish getting in my general classes. Once I've done as much as I can there, I will transfer to WSU and study nutrition. (Graduate as a Registered Dietitian) It's just nice to go to the community college now because it saves us a lot of money (Thousands of dollars per semester) and it's not quite as big and intimidating as WSU. =)

Another indicator of "real life" is my new calling at church. Right before we left town for Christmas I was called to be the Mia Maid's adviser. I was pretty excited to finally get this calling. I've only been out of Young Women's a few years, but I had some hints from Heavenly Father that I'd be working with the Young Women again sometime, and I've just been waiting for it to happen. I taught my first lesson last week, but only 3 of about 6 girls were there. (Half the ward was snowed in and didn't come to church.) The girls are really great. I'm happy to be working with such a good group of girls, and the other leaders are fun too. Now Greg and I can go to Mutual on Wednesday nights together. (He teaches the deacons.)

I started writing some other posts tonight but haven't finished them. All this time I've been keeping ideas of what I wanted to put on my blog, and took pictures that have just been sitting on the camera, so I will be blogging backwards in time in the next couple days. Even if you don't read them, I still like to do it because this is such a great way for me to journal for myself. Maybe you agree? Typing is so much easier for me than sitting down and writing with a pen in a little book. I just don't write as much because my hands can't write as fast as my brain thinks, and it gets frustrating. Typing though. Ahhh, typing can be lightning fast, and sometimes faster than my thoughts. Maybe I should print my blog when I get old and pass it down to my grandchildren.

I hope everybody had a good Christmas and New Year. And welcome back to Real Life!


Granma Faye said...

Yeah, it was hard for Dad and I to return to the routine. I pretty much stayed in "real life" the whole time since I was taking care of Grandma but it was so great to be home and play games and just be together instead of heading off to work. It was a wonderful Christmas. Gifts are fun to give and get but the best gift was to be happily together. A little piece of my heart was in Texas with Wendy, whom we all missed. :( ♥

Summer said...

that's good you can start school again. do you print out your blog posts? I've never tried doing that.